Isn’t the journey half the fun?

This is undoubtingly the furthest a CicLAvia has been from a Metro Rail Line or Downtown Los Angeles. It’s over twenty miles from Union Station if you want to get into it.
Like I’ve said earlier, anytime you can try to find fault with a CicLAvia route, the negative usually turns into a positive. There are actually a lot of options, perhaps too many, to find your way out there. Plus you’ll see a lot more too!
If you’re looking for my CicLAvia guides Part 1 & Part 2, just click on the links. But for those here interested about mobility for Sunday, read on!
Well, duh. I shouldn’t waste too much typing power on this, but there are a lot of places to park nearby the course because its surrounded by residential. It’s probably easier on the north side, so if you’re taking the 405, exit Devonshire and head east. If you’re driving on the 170, exit Roscoe and I’d advise parking somewhere near the Chase Bike Lane.
Coming up the 5, you can get off at Osborne, but you might be better suited exiting off at Laurel Canyon and cutting your way back. I can’t forget the Santa Claritians, but heading down the 5, I’d prefer exiting San Fernando Mission Blvd. and find parking near the San Fernando Road Bike Path, but getting off at Paxton will serve you too.
If you haven’t a real train here’s your opportunity! Metrolink will be operating a couple of lines that are CicLAvia fabulous(that means within striking distance) of the route. The Antelope Valley Link will be leaving from Union Station

at 8:45am, 11:40am & 2:15pm taking about thirty minutes to get you to the Sylmar/San Fernando Station. From there, you have about a 2.5 mile bike ride down the San Fernando Road Bike Path to reach the course.
As a late addition, Metrolink has also added a couple of bike trains that’ll reach the Van Nuys Station at 8:55am and 10:35am. You can also take the regular Amtrak train out there, but there are even more limited spaces for bikes on them. Either way, the Van Nuys Station is a half mile south of the route. While there is no bike lane to take you to the route, I imagine you’ll be riding along with a bunch of other cyclists anyways.
Another CicLAvia superlative as this will be the closest of the sixteen additions to an airport. Whiteman Airport sits no longer than a two minute ride from Van Nuys Boulevard at San Fernando road and has been serving the valley since 1946. The airport only lands small aircraft, so no John Travola for this CicLAvia. Still, think about what a G you’ll be if you fly in on one of these:
Subway to the CicLAvia:
My guess is that a lot of people will be trying to get to CicLAvia from the North Hollywood Red Line Station to stay car free for the day. That’ll add roughly an extra eighteen miles to and from the course, but that’s something I’d put up with.
The problem being the valley doesn’t have enough of a network that there’s a good path there. CicLAvia mapped out a route:
A couple of notes if you choose this route:
- I normally avoid the diagonal part on the southern half, even though it’s a dedicated bike path. It’s just awkward and slow to get through intersections. I would continue due west until you hit Woodman and then turn up. Right angles!
- At the very end of this route, I’d avoid the turn onto Roscoe. It’s a real fast street and if you aren’t comfortable on a road like that, you’ll know instantly. I’d keep continuing up Woodman another half mile and then make a left onto Chase St. where there’s bike lanes.
Last month, we did an LACBC CicLAvia preview ride that went this way:
You can access the file here, but just like the other route, there is a small stretch on Laurel Canyon where there is a section without a bike lane. If you’re really uncomfortable without bike lanes, take this route:
Bike + Train = Bike Train!
…or it could equal trike. In either case, it’s always fun to be part of a feeder ride because of having strength in numbers. A few groups nearby give you options and they’re great groups to be a part of:
- Walk Bike Burbank will be leading a ride out of McCambridge Park, leaving at 900am, which takes you up Glenoaks near the spot where they dumped the car in Pulp Fiction. One day, this will all be Raquel’s.
- Walk Bike Glendale meets at the Glendale Central Library at 830am and rolls at 900am. For more information, go to their facebook page.
- For you westsiders, the San Fernando Valley Bike Club will be meeting at the CSUN Parking Lot at Etiwanda & Nordoff at 8am. They’ll be leading a ride up and back the course, but it may get cancelled if it rains.
That’s it. Only one more preview article to go! Don’t ask how CiclaValley does this all for you, but it’s because you’re that important.
Tomorrow: CicLAvia Pro-Tips