Mmmmmmm dirt.
The gravel bike/cyclocross/I love doing awesome rides movement has been exploding and there’s no better way to introduce yourself than this Sunday’s SoCal GRAVEL Trofee #3: L. A. ROUBAIX v2, which is also hailing itself as the “Hell of the North”.
If you’re going to do the full 45 mile route, you’ll roll out of Golden Road and head straight for the Verdugos covering a section I covered just yesterday.
You’ll descend into La Tuna before shuffling your way up the Angeles Crest Highway before coming down the Gabrieleno Trail leading you up the Fern Truck Trail.
Having this much dirt to yourself is fun!
I’ve either biked or ran the entire course and it looks like a lot of fun, even with almost 6,000 feet of suffering.
On top of it all, you’ll get lunch included with your entry fee, which is only $40.
Mr. CiclaValley is in a quandry about doing this ride, as I’m awaiting the delivery of a shorter stem to make my ride more manageable, but odds are I’ll figure out a way to make it happen.
If you’re new to all this, there’s also a 22 mile option that will be a good introduction to why dirt is so fun.
To sign up, go to the SoCalCross Eventbrite page. And also prepare to get dirty.