Mister CiclaValley prefers to be a purveyor of good news and make everyone’s day a little sunnier.
While the northern end of the Griffith Park portion of the LA River Bike Path has been sporadically closed the past year, it’s not without providing overall benefits to the cycling community.
This terminus intersects with the Victory / Riverside bridge which is currently under construction for road widening and god help us, some much needed resurfacing.
With all the cranes in the ground, it’s great news that this work is being coupled with the expansion of the LA River Bike Path.
Like most crossings where embankments are present, the path is continuing under the street for the extension that will someday reach Barham.
Work seems pretty far along right now, but this is going to be a bit of a tease for the next few years.
The LA River Bike Path will be pretty sweet if / when completed…
First of all, the City of Burbank has banned the existence of bikes on the Mariposa bridge which was designated for multipurpose from the start.
The future Bob Hope bridge looks like it’ll be fully funded, but it doesn’t look to open until 2020.
And as for the connection to Barham, the project is currently in design development, but is already a year behind schedule.
At least this connection is getting built, because we seem to be finding too few bird in the hands these days.
So even if this underpass still opens in the next year, cyclists will still be charged with biking through the death zone known as Forest Lawn Drive for the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, you should have already signed the circulating petition to get Councilmember David Ryu to fix this road once and for all.
There is hope in getting the valley all connected, especially if Measure M passes, I just am praying I won’t need a time machine to enjoy it..