CiclaValley Hosts Bike Talk

If my trend towards world domination hasn’t been self apparent, this week I filled in as host of KPFK’s Bike Talk podcast.

Why Nick Rickert would let a crazed despot like me take the helm might have been a temporary lapse of judgement, but I thank him for the opportunity.

I’ve been on radio a number of times, but not as a host, producer or both. Fortunately, I listen to a lot of sports talk and public radio, so I had an idea about the framework of the program.

The show I download the most doesn’t even hail from this country, but from our neighbors to the north.

Because of my hockey background, I listen to Primetime Sports out of Toronto.

The show also covers a lot of non-frozen sports, but the host, Bob McCown, avoids athletes to opt for people in the know and lets them carry most of the weight.

My biggest dilemma was finding people who were both knowledgable and entertaining.

I decided to speak about the Tour de France since we were just on the heels of it. I also chose to talk about the most essential climbs in LA because I’ve been working on this article the last two months and bringing the topic to air would give me a kick in the seat to finally finish it.

Right away, I knew my friend Victor would be a great co-host because of his grasp of these subjects, his overall enthusiasm and the ability to communicate in detail in a short amount of time.

I was also able to pry my cohort from my neighborhood, Ron Meyer, who happens to be the LA Bicycle Advisory Committee appointee for Councilmember Paul Krekorian.

Both of us talk a lot about local issues and it’s safe to say that we’re both feeling things out as there are a great deal of improvements needed to make our neck of the woods more bikeable.

Lastly, for lending out his studio,I have to thank Joshua Rynew, who someone mentioned may be part of my lineage.

I have a real aversion to listen to my voice whenever I’m on the radio, but in my limited sampling of this episode, I was really happy with the pace, flow and content.

Listen here to judge for yourself, but remember to be nice. I’m still on track to rule the world someday…