Fact #1: CicLAvia is coming to the Valley on Sunday, March 6th.
Fact #2: This CicLAvia will be the furthest away from any Metro Rail Station in the history of the event.
Mr. CiclaValley may not be that smart, but he can put one and one together. A lot of people love taking Metro to CicLAvia and won’t necessarily know how to get there.
So, as part of LACBC’s monthly Sunday Funday series, I’ll be leading a ride from the North Hollywood Red Line Station(NoHo y’all) out to the CicLAvia route, so come gameday, you’ll know how to get there.
Some of you may already know that the Sunday Funday rides take place on the first of the month, which coincides this February with the Super Bowl, but Mr. CiclaValley is highly sensitive to that and is starting the ride at 8:30am and wrapping up well before noon.
Now as of press time, Mr. CiclaValley still hasn’t come up with a finalized route. Getting out to that corner of the valley has always been problematic. No matter which direction you go, it’s going to be about 20 miles round trip, but it’s a question of where. Here are the options:
- Taking Lankershim seems the most obvious, but with road construction and shoddy surface conditions, you’re probably better off not using the bike lanes. Plus, there’s the issue when the street ends, having to take busy San Fernando Road or debris laden Tuxford to head further north.
- Laurel Canyon offers a great alternative. While there are only bike lanes on less than half this stretch, the northern portion is wide enough that you feel safer there without the infrastructure. The only issue I have is the sharrowed section around Laurel Plaza.
- Taking the Orange Line Bike Path up to Woodman is a viable option, as this street has bike lanes/sharrows the entire way. Once again, the sharrowed section moves pretty fast and it’s not the most scenic route.
- Lastly, there’s Van Nuys Boulevard. The street has no bike lanes, but there are three lanes in each direction, so there’s plenty of space for cars to pass. Still, traffic may not be accustomed to bikes, so you have to account for that.
If you want to influence me, vote in the poll or leave a comment. Either way, please RSVP and I hope to see you out there this Sunday!