Dockless Bike Share lands in Griffith Park

I heard all the buzz that Dockless Bike Share was on, then off, then on again in Griffith Park this weekend.

Apparently, things went live on Sunday while the launch was at best rushed and a bit of a mystery to cycling community.

With CiclaValley giving you cafeteria-grade bike information, I had to have a look for myself this morning.




I did my typical ride, which covers all the roads that lead to the Observatory (I like to climb).

With my daughter having two birthday parties yesterday while running around still in diapers, it was safe to say my neck was already well loosened as I scanned everywhere for these hard to miss yellow bikes.

It was strange at first not seeing any bikes along the Western Canyon area or even up at the Observatory itself.

I thought, maybe the system had been pulled back.

Coming down Vermont, I caught my first glimpse in front of the Greek Theater.



Bikes. Huzzah!


I was hoping to catch a shot of someone riding them, but the best I could do was spot another bike parked further south down the theater.

My investigation continued down Vermont where two bikes were parked on someone’s lawn at Los Feliz.



Stange placement.


This might be a problem in the future.

I was empty handed checking out Hillhurst and curiosity brought me to the Vermont / Sunset Metro Station, but still no luck.

These bikes look heavy enough that climbing the park might be a sweat induced experience, but riding down zooming past traffic, that’s the rub.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for more bikes, but this is a strange new world we’ve entered.




Just scan and go.



Some of the hardware.


Another one lingering.