While I’ve been pumping sunshine in a lot of my posts lately, we all need a reminder that much more needs to be done to ensure the safety of everyone out there.
About a year ago, the northeast Valley had a devastating string of casualties as three people lost their lives on the road within a month’s span.
These people all happened to people on bicycles, but this section of the city procures such high speeds that all road users are extremely vulnerable.
Finish the Ride and Streets Are For Everyone are hosting a ride this Saturday to honor Jeff Knopp who fell victim a year ago.
This will be a 14 mile loop around Hansen Dam which is mostly flat, but a couple small roller climbs that’ll take 30 seconds mixed in.
Last Friday, I happened to drive by the site of Jeff’s collision on Foothill Blvd. in Sunland.
8 AM “traffic” on Foothill Blvd.
Since the incident, LADOT has eliminated a lane of traffic replacing it with a protected bike lane in both directions.
This is a move I greatly welcome as sharing a lane riding eastbound was previously precarious as there was a great speed differential between cyclists riding uphill and drivers well exceeding the 40 mph speed limit.
There have been complaints of traffic increasing because of the reduction, but driving by there last Friday at 8am, I didn’t see any difference in traffic from it’s previous configuration.
Fourteen other traffic deaths in close proximity to Jeff Knopp’s(brown, center) the last ten years.
Narrowing doesn’t change the fact that there is still only one left turn lane off of Foothill going westbound and one right turn lane making a right from Wentworth.
I did notice drivers keeping a more tempered speed in this stretch which is what these changes are all about.
Please come out and honor Jeff’s life and support safe streets by joining the ride (or walk) this Saturday.