For those of us who love scenic and rolling hills of Mulholland Drive, get ready to take a detour this weekend.
DWP will be closing this historic road west of Beverly Glen to the next street, Nicada Dr. The closure is scheduled to go from Friday to Sunday during the hours of 8am – 5pm. Of course, I’d hedge my bet to avoid Mulholland during non-working hours guessing the condition of the road won’t be to chipper.
The semi-good news is that Mulholland is still passable as you can head south on Beverly Glen that meets up with Nicada Dr. Both streets are pretty steep at their nexus, so you can mitigate it a bit cutting over on Windtree Dr.
What’s the downside? If you’re like me and like doing the La Grange Nichols Ride, this might put a hamper on it.
The only piece of sunshine I can pump about this is that we still have enough water for a water system!