In one of the most unique rides you’ll find, the Tour de Laemmle runs again as a 125 mile tour hitting of all eight Laemmle theaters. Of course, you’ll have the most appropriate guide along with you: Greg Laemmle.
You may not have time to exchange pleasantries with him, as riders need to keep a good pace or else you’ll be dropped.
There will be refreshments and snacks along the way, and if you finish, you’ll come home with a pint glass commemorating your accomplishment.
The ride starts at the Laemmle Royal in West LA this Sunday at 7am, but you’ll need to register in order to join. Oh yeah, and if the Laemmle’s haven’t already given enough to cycling, the ride is FREE.
Also, there will be a family ride from the NoHo location to Encino that will roll at 3pm.
Come out, ride, enjoy and relax after with dinner and a movie!