Mr. CiclaValley knows the 818 like the back of my hand, since both act as attached appendages on a daily basis. While the concept of CicLAvia is far more simple than you can imagine, people still have trouble grasping the event if you’ve never been.
There’s no starting point. No end. It’s not a race. You don’t even have to bike. Yet people think it’s far more complicated than this.
Maybe part of the problem is an overload of information and I’m partially to blame. Circle back to this after you read the article, but keep on hand my Mother of all Previews, my Ultimate Guide to Food & Drink, the in-depth Militant Angeleno Guide and Streetsblog LA’s Joe Linton’s Family & Tips for getting around Preview.
- Joe Linton gives excellent advice to board the Red Line from the NoHo station going home as the trains will be full by the time they reach the Universal City station. He also suggests exiting
the trains at the Universal City stop on the way there, but I’d probably choose NoHo so I could start at the turnaround of the route. Then again, I won’t have that problem Sunday.
- Avoid the Orange Line if you’re planning to go by bike. While the buses will be running at peak schedule, they only hold three bikes on the front rack. At 15 buses and hour times 3 bikes, that’s just 45 bikes per hour. If you live along the Orange Line, consider using the bike path.
- Bring a radio and blast your tunes. There’s no better feeling than to bring your own soundtrack out there.
- Biking over the hill from the westside is tough if you’ve never done it before. Your best option is to take Franklin Canyon up and descend through Fryman Canyon if you have an off road bike. I don’t mind taking Coldwater Canyon down, but because of the expected backup, be prepared to ride your brakes and passing on the shoulder. If you want a complete guide, this piece that I wrote long ago is finally coming into use.
- If you plan on driving, my advice is to avoid the route and park 1/2 mile to a mile away. Colfax
and Tujunga have wide bike lanes that lead to the route. If you’re coming from the east, you have the Chandler Bikeway you can use to connect. If you’re coming down the 170, exit Laurel Canyon or Burbank and connect to the Orange Line bike path also on Chandler. Valley Vista is also a nice ride coming from the west.
- Since I can’t stop mentioning Chandler, if you try the Pop Up Cycletrack, look north when you hit Vineland. You’ll see the iconic Circus Liquor sign. Of course, you’ll want your picture taken. You’re Welcome!
- Come to eat, but bring plenty of water. The heat is what makes valley people into such great shape.
- Don’t plan on racing the course. It’s less than six miles. You’ll surprise yourself how much time you’ll have going end to end. Relax and take it in.
Lastly, here’s a view tidbits I heard about happenings some business are putting together:
- North Hollywood Hardware, on the corner of Carpenter & Ventura will be setting up Menchie’s, I Heart Radio DJ’s pumping tunes, a Mikita tool demonstration and handing out Blue earthquake water samples during Ciclavia. They may not sell too many extra shovels Sunday, but come out to say hi.
- FLASK FINE WINES has endeared Studio City drawing the community in for their wine tastings. During Ciclavia, they will be holding a special beer tasting from 11a – 5p featuring 1/2 pint pours of St. Archer White, Black Market Rye IPA, Modern Times’ Blazing Work and Black House for $3.50 with proceeds benefitting the LA County Bicycle Coalition.
- Laemmle Theaters in NoHo will be giving free popcorn and water as well as giving a spot to rest in their comfy theater seats. As if they already haven’t done enough! Tag #LaemmleVia!
- The VENDOME LIQUORS ON VENTURA(yes, I’m lucky I have two Vendomes within a couple of miles) will be hosting a tasting of their own from 11a – 3p featuring a flight of five beers for $10.
- Spread PB is doing some type of collaboration with Hollywood Curling. If they bring out a sheet of ice, I suggest you go.
- Pitfire Pizza will open early at 10am, just because they’re awesome supporters of cycling.
- Shoebox Tattoo will be offering free CicLAvia tattoos during the event. I’m guessing they’re temporary.
- The Shanghai Rose restaurant is giving a 20% discount of their entire menu & $1 egg rolls to go.
- Laurel Tavern will not only open early at 10am, but will also have a bike valet & biergarten! Like Morrissey, I now wish everyday was like Sunday!
- Victoria’s Jewelry(12737 Ventura Blvd) will open uber early at 8am and even give 20% off over them losing sleep!
- Suburbia Salon + Spa(11908 Ventura Boulevard) will be serving lemonade and water to everyone and handing out coupons as well. I mean, we all are going to look good out there, but we could look a little better.
- Lotus Vegan Thai Restaurant, located on Lankershim a couple of blocks south of Camarillo, is opening their doors early at 830am serving breakfast, salads, burgers and wraps along with fresh squeezed juices.
The last piece of advice is prepare to smile.