Mobility Plan 2035: Act Today!

If you’ve done nothing, you need to act now.

If you’ve done something, you’re in the same boat.

Today, Mobility Plan 2035 comes to full city council to lay the framework for our cycling, pedestrian and transportation network for the next twenty years.

Stop right here before reading on and tell your councilmen to approve the plan as is by. Copy this template put together by Hyeran Lee of LACBC and please BCC her as well:





Subject: Support Mobility Plan 2035 for safe & sustainable streets! CF#15-0719

Dear Honorable Councilmembers:

I support adopting the Mobility Plan 2035, including ALL of its proposed networks. As a ___________  (e.g. bike rider, pedestrian, transit user, driver, business owner, student, parent, etc.), I strongly support this Plan because I believe that it will help make L.A. streets better for all of us walking, biking, taking transit and driving.

A well-connected network of protected bike lanes and other complete streets improvements the Plan includes will give people healthier options to get around our neighborhoods and our whole city. Calmer traffic and safer streets are critical to protect and enhance our quality of life. We need this plan to build on the progress made by the 2010 Bicycle Plan and make all modes of transportation work together for our city. The modal networks in the Plan were carefully crafted to balance the needs of all who will use them. We can’t afford to piecemeal them to appease local naysayers without undermining their citywide utility.

(Personalize here)

Please approve the Mobility Plan 2035 with no changes so that we can all travel safely on the streets of L.A.


(Your name)
(Your address)


Yes, the plan isn’t perfect, but it’s a large step in the right direction. Three hundred additional miles of protected bike lanes and 117 new added bus only lanes can only help.

If you read the fear mongering LA Times piece on monday, you’ll note how it said congestion will increase by 2035 from 18% to 22%. They framed it as a setback, but in a city growing like ours, that sounds like a huge victory!



The plan, of course, isn’t yet funded, but without a mandate, we have no future. While the plan has plenty of support, predicting what happens in council is as erratic as guessing when the NFL is coming back.

With Councilmen Cedillo and Koretz motioning to remove bike infrastructure from the Mobility Plan, they are staining the legitimacy of any progress.

That’s why we want a forward looking Los Angeles that realizes we have very few places left to move our cars and need better walking and bike options to make this city work. To ensure this happens, we have to overwhelm the council with our voices.

This is a generational decision. One where our children will question the intelligence of our choices. Let’s make things right and show support for Mobility Plan 2035.
