If you haven’t already heard, one of the most important undertakings in Los Angeles is happening and needs your help. The L.A. Bike and Ped Count happens every two years(or biennially. I can never remember) and is a big data driver to influence mobility policy in the next few years.
When you look at this map, you’ll understand with the amount of manpower needed with one hundred eighty three intersections needing coverage over three different times meaning there’s five hundred forty seven shifts to cover.
My apologies. I meant to say FIVE HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN SHIFTS TO COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting this information isn’t just important to show how much cycling is growing, but how. Do cyclists respond to bike lanes? Sharrows? Transit oriented development? Magyver reruns(maybe not included, but something I should lobby for)? Over forty more locations were added to provide better findings. This is the type of numbers that Nate Silver would fall all over.
To have a better idea, check out the findings from the previous collection in 2013. It’s amazing that ridership more than doubles when bike lanes or sharrows are added.
After you’ve looked at the map for locations you can assist with, locate them on volunteer spot(using the Command + “F” is the best way to find) along with the proper shift to sign up. Remember, there are three shifts, so any spot you can fill will help:
- Wednesday, September 16th, 7am to 9am
- Wednesday, September 16th, 4pm to 6pm
- Saturday, September 19th, 1pm to 3pm
Also, there are orientations across the city that will tell you how the counting process should be done and you’ll receive a free t-shirt there as well.
Now, I’m going to close with an inspirational thought followed by a tacky pun.
Is the LA Bike and Ped Count a great undertaking to be a part of? You can count on it!