Burbank News: Cyclist Killed and Elections Today

In news that’s never welcome, a 74 year old man was killed while cycling in Burbank last Friday night while riding on Empire.

Thanks to Ted Rogers for picking this up from the Burbank Leader.

While there’s limited information, Ted points out the quick move to victim blame by pointing out the rider wasn’t wearing a helmet, as if that was the cause of him getting hit.


Ted also questions the clarity of where the cyclist was reported to be riding as do I.

The article mentions the cyclist cycling east on Empire while the driver was making a right turn to head west, but doesn’t clarify if he was cycling on the road or sidewalk.

I find it hard to imagine that the cyclist was riding on the road because the lane is so narrow that you’d have no option but to ride directly into traffic since cars are normally parked on the side in the middle of the day.

Update (10:27am): I got word that the cyclist was riding in the roadway. Of course, there is no nearby bike infrastructure and the sidewalks are narrow. 


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I you want to do something about this, today is the day as a registered voter where you can do something about it.

The polls are open today for Burbanktonians and there is a clear choice for City Council.

Sharon Springer is a true backer to make the city more walkable and bikeable which is about the exact opposite what the council has offered.


She’s pushing for sustainability and equity which are two words the old guard have probably never mentioned.

You can check out her endorsement section and see she has some pretty legit backing, so Sharon deserves your vote.

If you live in Burbank, this will be a low turnout, so please show up because your vote matters.